About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Friday, 13 December 2013

PDF Portfolio Visit (Guru)

As part of our PDF work we were asked to get in connact with client's, illustrators and designer that have influenced me though out my journey as an illustrator.

Contacting Matt Brays who graduated in 2011 allowed my porfolio to be assess by someone who as experienced portfolio reviews in the passed and also has experience with clients in the Illustration world.
This was his feed back
Hi Kate,
Terribly sorry for the late reply, hope all is going well at uni, and hope your enjoying third year :) 
Anyway, first things first: I love your portfolio! I love the look of your work: you’ve developed a really strong style. A style that is fresh and unique, as well as delicate and sensitive.
You seem to have mastered your working method and made it your own. This is a real achievement- when I, and many other graduates were at this point in the course; we were still struggling to find our style and our voice. To have developed such a strong and confident visual language already is remarkable, and something you should be really proud of!
My favourite pieces are the ‘Wind in the Willows’ characters (The badger is awesome!). Your sophisticated use of colour, texture, shape and composition is of a really professional standard.  
I also really like the way you illustrate people.  Illustrating people isn’t easy: a lot of illustration students and graduates struggle to get a grasp on representing figures; to the extent that many go to great lengths to avoid drawing people at all. That’s why it’s such an achievement to be able to illustrate people so well, and in a way that is uniquely your own!
Anyway, sorry if I’ve rambled on a bit; but I really do love your portfolio! The only advice I can really give is to keep up the good work! 
I hope all that’s been of some help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.
Best wishes,

Overall I am every happy with the comment's by Matthew and intend on showing him more of my work in the furture, the more advice I am given I beleive the better my porfolio will become.

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