About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

PDF Portfolio Visit ( Ashton Sixth Form College)

This was a very special opportunity for me to show other tutors from my passed education my work and how far I have come from my years in education.
Micheal Robinson Foundation Art & Design Teacher at Ashton Sixth Form College was the person who introduced me to mix media art as well as developing my skills. At this point in my life I didn't no what path to take so developing a wide verity of skills that will be important to find my way though the art and design world.
Taking my portfolio to her was a very nervous moment and talking about my work to her was an enjoyable moment as we were talking about old times as well as how my work as progressed.
The feedback from Mrs Robinson was very positive, she said that my work was very clean, and professional, that their is a good sense of style and how I like to work. She said that my logo was very different and maybe to showcase more of my Wind in The Willows textures in the background.
Overall she enjoyed looking at my portfolio and was very pleased with what I have achieved and would like to keep in touch if I need anymore advice.

What I have taken from this experience is not only building relationships with other Tutor and thinker but making sure that I get as much advice as possible, and the understand more about my portfolio and the importance of making sure my work is as good as it can be.

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