About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


My development of my 8x 8x has been very productive and it really showed me about time management and being under a lot of pressure in regards to presentations and work to complete... and I don't want to see anymore power point presentation documents for a while Please.... 
I feel my sketchbook development has been very productive and after been given the knew page sizes I felt more ready to bring it all together but when I did that  I didn't really my ice cream factory theme was relevant concept anymore.. and when things go onto a computer screen for me they change. So taking on my tutors advice and looking at more artist for influence,  I will continue with my ideas but make it more simple and allow others to make their mind up about that the illustration is about in connection to the story?
These are some images from my sketchbook I would like to show you.

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