About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Friday, 26 April 2013

PDP Presentation

I have taken this opportunity to talk about my final PD Presentation of Level 5. This presentation was based around how I have used my blog, if it has helped me?  Allowed me to look at other artist? Or has been a bit of second thought in my work. Well I felt the presentation went very successfully and feel I am growing in confidence in doing presentation and talking about my work and my working method as well as who has influenced me?
I also had to have produced a hard copy of my portfolio over Level 4 & Level 5... about 8x or 9x Images
I felt that Ben Jones help was very usual because I am still learning about my working style and how to be critical about what work is good and what work isn't as strong as others? So showing a variety of my work to Ben it really allowed me to talk about some of my favorite piece that I feel about showing my work in a strong portfolio  it also showed me how important a strong portfolio is and how it can be the difference from getting work and not getting work?.
These are some of my portfolio Images ( If you wish to see it all it is located in my studio, just come and ask me).

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