About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Meeting with the Author

Never Endings By Sian Burns 
Was the story I was given in regards to the content and what my tutor felt I could most benefit working on... the story itself taking not long one reading but a couple to understand the content, the plot, and he final build up, what most of these story have in common is that they don't give the plot away straight away, you have to guess and make up your own conclusion about the characters which is very interesting for an illustrator, but also presents challenges because I don't want to illustrate something that is totally different from the story. The illustrations are their to intise the reader, make the reader want to read what the story is like, based on what I have illustrated... Very exciting stuff.

I think I read the story about 6 times and thought I understood the plot and the final outcome, but when meeting up with Sian the Author that wasn't the case. But it make the connects between me and the Sian that much more interesting because of the different ideas I have come up with based on the story, and the ideas she had about how she imagined eg Jared and Emily to look like....
She made me feel very confident about my ideas and enjoy talking to her very much.
By doing this brief it has developed my communication skills, and how to explain my work to others, and the benefits of what it is I do. :D

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