About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Holly Wales Illustrator


Holly Wales is a UK based illustrator and educator. Holly explores subject matter through a body of playful images & hand-drawn felt tip marker pen colour illustration for all kinds of commissions including illustrated maps and hand drawn type


I was so excited to find out Holly Wales was talking to us today, after researching into the type of work she produces it would be great to find out how important it is to find work and how she works with clients. Her talk was everything and more I was hoping for, the more she talked the more I found out that our working process is very similar, we both work a lot with connect and can illustrate sometimes from others idea of how they want this to look, or give her a lot of content to work on and research into which was very encouraging and also how she finalises her work by taking it into Photoshop and creating layers and not changing the rough textures and unfinished look she produces. I found a very strong connection to her working practice and how important it is to connect with your clients.
How do you find work after your graduated??? And she replied competition briefs are great to find work and also keep motivated to produce work after you graduate because of the quality of the briefs and the deadlines to meet.

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