About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Rough book

Continuing on with my research on my story and developing the language to make it more age appropriate to my audience, it was important to get all my ideas onto paper and start using all this new knowledge about children's books into action. This simple layout design allowed me to looks at the layout of my illustration, making sure that the illustrations move with the text, and also adding illustrations that move across 2 pages to add drama. This process was successful I understood more about cropping, to add more interest, looking at different angels, birds eye, worms eye, Ariel view points. All these elements are worked into parts of my story to add interest and scale I did it also because it a new challenge for me to work not with just a flat space and understand the background and us of space.

The key challenge I have set myself is working with 3 elements, 1 the their, 2 the behind, and 3 the background.
1: Is the illustrations that are most details and have the most importance
2. Is the background with limited details & texture
3. Is simple shapes no pattern or texture's
I decided on this process from my Scary Stories sets, I added to much detail into the background and lost the importance of the story and also characters that were important were not as details.
So working with 3 elements allowed me more time to work on the characters that are important and less on the background because in the end the characters are the story and need to be as good as the story itself.

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