About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Hopes, Fears & Opportunities

Aims Started in September:
1. To show my portfolio to at least 2x professional clients, for example Matt my Guru, Carrie May ( Illustrator) passed Tutor's
2. One to One meeting with a Client
3. Develop my knowledge of children book illustration ( Further Reference)
4. Work Hard on my Journal
5. Raise money to go to the London Show ( GREAT OPPORTUNITY)

Reflection on my progress
To reflect on what has happens this first semester is hard because I cannot believe how quick it has gone, and how much I have learnt as an illustrator is such a short space of time. The first an most important progress I believe to have achieved in even more detail is my time management. My work has always been organised that how I like to work and its part of who I am as a person, but it has been a challenge juggling so many different aspects of my project, my Journal, Portfolio and my own practice and making sure they all get an even amount of attention to make sure I portray my work as professionally as possible. So going into my Final Major Project understanding how to manage my time better will allow me to concentrate more on my work and making sure I produce the best work possible. Re flexing on challenges I have faced is also a key point to my development, one of these point is my communicate development, the more opportunities I get to present and talk to students about my work the more confident I believe I have become especially as my final Journal involves a 20min presentation, my ability to be critical, and analysis what I have learnt and how this has impacted on my work is vital in my working practice though out this semester, and also communicating my work to clients as well as I will be emailing my Guru and other illustrators & designer who have influenced me though out this course on my portfolio.
In regards to my work I also wanted to work more into my 8x8 work and my Age Uk and I think I have accomplished that with my first publication of the 8x8 work with my banner, it was a great achievement for me and really allowed me to experience for the first time the feeling of having my work published, This is a similar feeling to my Age Uk, developing the project even more by working on other Historical building is a great achievement for me because it is more a an amazing charity and if my illustrations allow other to communicate their memories, or Stockport's Hat Museum and Chapel's then I am as happy as a undergraduate student can be.
To reflect on my own working practice is very important and my aim was to develop a more critical, and in depth knowledge of children's books and how my work can challenge the traditional children  we see today. To be given an opportunity from Macmillan Children Book Competition I intent on finding new influences and develop a critical understanding or the work especially focusing on the meaning, and incorporating this into my journal.
Aim's for Final Semester:
To become more confident in my abilities as an illustrator
Remembering this is my degree and really push myself and bring together everything I have learn't these past 3 years
Enjoy every minute of working in Stockport, with my friends and Tutor because this is my final year
To develop my Critical Journal and not let my personal demons get in the way ( Proof reading)
To us my connections and build more bridge's with clients and get more feed back from my portfolio
Make sure my portfolio is professional and get as much advice as possible to make sure my work shines
And finally TO GO OUT WITH A BANG, enjoy working, producing and learning and look forward to my future as an illustrator for the rest of my life ( I cannot wait)
Develop thoughts about themes for my Final Major Project:
My continuation of my Macmillan children's book is what I had in mind for my FMP, creating the hole 32page children's book, and developing it by adding techniques from my Scary Stories Brief involving set development and design.

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