About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Final 3D Outcome

Producing my final outcome presented a challenge to be at first, trying to work with the scale, lighting and how to create a black background to translate the shadows from the characters.
But as they say I took the bull by the horns and ran with it, it was something that I hadn't worked with before and it gave me another chance to experiment with different piece of technology like working with a camera for the first time.
What I would change about my work would be the quality of the camera I used, I felt it didn't deliver the detail and the strength of colour I was looking for.
I would if I had more time done practice outcomes and maybe allowed myself more time to become comfortable with the equipment I was working with.
I would also change the printing quality and not us the Uni Printers for Final works and go more professional printers for better quality of prints.
But overall I felt my work was taken into a very successful direction and has made big steps already at the start of Third year

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