About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Children Book Development

What I first started looking at for the brief are children's books.... Some classsical book from my childhood and some more to date childrens books. I did this to look at the audience and age groups that childrens books are aimed at, my age group is around 5 to 7 years old. So looking at classical books like The Guffalo, Roald Dahl and Cat in the Hat allowes me to look at the qaulity of the illusrtations as well as the lanuage of the text... for example? How much text is on one page? is it intergreated with the illustrations or is it seperate? I also wanted to look at the book for influence on layout, size and scale of the illustrations as well as the book's themselves. Most books come in different sizes I think for my book I will keep it to a A4 size as I have elements that I want to strech over 2 pages and I think the A4 size will give me enough space to do that, but I will find and explore more elements as I bring my rough book together.

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