About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Paul Klee

"Colour has taken possession of me, no longer do I have to chase after it, I know that It has a holds of me forever...... Colour and I are one; I am a painter”
Paul Klee

  Partsch, S. (2003) KLEE. TASCHEN

   This quote has a more personal attachment because coming into this course I was scared of change and thinking that I wouldn't find my style of working an  didn't feel comfortable to venture outside my comfort zone and that risks. When reading and researching Klee's work and his procession with abstract colour harmonies it allowed me to take my own risk and challenge myself to explore the world around me, and hopefully you will see that in this blog.

My collage constructions emerge from a fascination for arranging and layering aged papers, textures, colours and print detail into a resolved composition.

Carrie May’s Statement Royal College of Art

Carrie May has been one of the most influential illustrators I have ever come across in terms of the way we work. Working with collage has only been introduced to me, but it has changed the way I look and produce my work, I collect and look at things in a totally different way.

'Everyone is an Artist'

Joseph Beuys

Penguin Books, HOW TO BE AN EXPLORER OF THE WORLD,2008. Keri Smith

This quote is very true in everyone's life, a lot of people tell me how talented I am, but they don't understand that they can be just as good as me, everyone has their own creative spark and it only take a couple of things to trigger off their imagination, and creative ability again.

Collect items you fancy and that for different reason attract your attention. Remember also to collect and study things that for a moment to be meaningless or irrelevant. The twist and turns of the creative process lead you back to an important encounter that at first seemed qwute neutral or even something that made you feel replied or EXASPERATED- 

Maja Ratkje
Penguin Books, HOW TO BE AN EXPLORER OF THE WORLD,2008. Keri Smith

This quote it one of my AIMS this year, it to look at things in the world a different light and really look at how it could change or enhance my work in a better way instead of dismissing it because I don't want to take the risk.

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