About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Hopes, Fears & Opportunities

This year what can I say about it... they always said third year was the hardest and they were right but they also didn't mention how rewarding it is.
A lot has been happening in a very short space in time and personally I don't think I've ever been so driven and determined to make sure that I work my hardest, put the hours in and make sure my portfolio is as good as I know it can be. Because as Gary says the mark you get is the mark you deserve and I'm determined to get the best marks possible for my work because I know I'm putting in the work and hours to make sure I do, and that's the most rewarding part
It’s all about me and what (I) want to do after I graduate and its extremely exciting driving myself and not being driven by my tutor's. This year I feel I'm a lot more independent in my work and that my brief is driven by the kind of work I am interested in and excited about. 
This year has also shown me about how to find completion brief and also submitting my work for completions online is a great opportunity. I feel that my skills on Photoshop & InDesign have improved though out this year as it is the main aspect of getting my work online and onto my website.
Producing my website also was a great challenge for me, but seeing my work on a website format gave me a big boost in confidence knowing that this is what I want to do and this is how clients are going to see my work.

The plan for after I graduate is to continue my work, making sure I keep on top of my portfolio, and looking at completion briefs to keep me inspired and motivated. I plan to maybe get a little studio somewhere in Manchester hopefully a member of my class would like to share, but that idea’s for the future. I intend on planning many more tips to London and finding myself a job maybe in an agency or volunteer work, getting as much experience in the field of children’s book publishing and publishing in general, will give a great advantage. 

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