About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Development of set's

These are a couple of pages from my children's book that I have been working on.
From these Photoshop images I plan to set at least 1 or 2 pieces to create depth of field and also creating a shadow. This has similar connections to my scary stories piece when I photographs them as 3D Sets.
These set will be researched into more depth, and building an appropriate frame to set my work. I am also looking at....
  • How to make my set? Materials like cardboard box's or making the frames with wood.
  • How to mount each element? What paper to us/ thinner than cardboard and stronger/ something to withstand being printed on, so it has to be thin.
  • Making sure I pick the right paper to print my work onto/ Printing and colour quality.
  • If their are complication printing onto paper, think of ideas to mount my work onto the paper.
  • Equipment like cutting mat's and cutting equipment. 
  • How to stand the images? Using stands or wire.
  • What wire to us, fishing wire, something strong but cant see it in the final photograph. (Can be edited).
Talk to Graham about hiring the studio & camera for a day and a half
  • Talk about the ideas I have.
  • What I'm looking for?
  •  What lighting will be best for these sets... how it can cast a shadow?.
  • Make sure I have enough from on my hard drive for the photographs.
  • Listen to Graham about how to set up with lighting and the camera sets.

Page 1 (Photoshop Page) ( 3x Sets) 

Page 6 (Photoshop Page) (4x Sets) (2x separate images to photograph)

Page 8 (Photoshop Page) (2x Sets) 

Page 10 ( Photoshop Page) (2x Sets)

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Professional Practice Trip

Professional Practice: London Trip
The 2 days I spent in London was well worth all the travelling and expense, because the feedback I got and the clients and agents that I had a chance to meet were very interesting and insightful about the industry.

Daniel Morrey- Head of Print at DDB
  • Keeping my website simple.
  • Big Images & contact details that are clear.
  • Not to many buttons or links to go though ( Agents are not interested in your personal life, they want to see your work and weather you fit with a style they are looking for).
  • Competitions and researching briefs .
Day Job Collective
  • Talking about the importance of working as a team if I was going to join a collective illustration group.
  • Competition brief to keep myself motivated and inspired.
  • Finding opportunities to find a job in children's book publishing or publishing in general to get a better idea of layout and more information about the industry.
  • Studio spaces and joining up with students.
1x Portfolio Review
  • Good feedback & idea's for improving my layout.
  • Liked the introduction page with my logo and information.
  • Research Competitions.
Illustration Ltd  
  • Great insight into the industry and how it works.
  • What each person in the agency does and how they work?
  • How they find knew illustrators and how they decide what style best fits their briefs..
  • It's not a risk taking industry they keep it safe and connect the right style with the right work.
  • Advertising work and personalizing business cards and postcards.
  • Keeping the website simple ( showed us example of a website with connact information and BIG images of their work on the website). 
2x Portfolio Reviews
  • BIGGER IMAGES ( Landscape A1 Size)..
  • Making sure the images are good equality .
  • Good movement in style .
  • They liked my handcrafted style (My lion was their favorite piece).
  • Some images are stronger than others .
  • Personalizing business cards and postcards are every effective.

Friday, 14 March 2014

My Website

My website is finally up and running, it will be updated with knew images and development information. 
Any feedback will be much appreciated 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Hopes, Fears & Opportunities

This year what can I say about it... they always said third year was the hardest and they were right but they also didn't mention how rewarding it is.
A lot has been happening in a very short space in time and personally I don't think I've ever been so driven and determined to make sure that I work my hardest, put the hours in and make sure my portfolio is as good as I know it can be. Because as Gary says the mark you get is the mark you deserve and I'm determined to get the best marks possible for my work because I know I'm putting in the work and hours to make sure I do, and that's the most rewarding part
It’s all about me and what (I) want to do after I graduate and its extremely exciting driving myself and not being driven by my tutor's. This year I feel I'm a lot more independent in my work and that my brief is driven by the kind of work I am interested in and excited about. 
This year has also shown me about how to find completion brief and also submitting my work for completions online is a great opportunity. I feel that my skills on Photoshop & InDesign have improved though out this year as it is the main aspect of getting my work online and onto my website.
Producing my website also was a great challenge for me, but seeing my work on a website format gave me a big boost in confidence knowing that this is what I want to do and this is how clients are going to see my work.

The plan for after I graduate is to continue my work, making sure I keep on top of my portfolio, and looking at completion briefs to keep me inspired and motivated. I plan to maybe get a little studio somewhere in Manchester hopefully a member of my class would like to share, but that idea’s for the future. I intend on planning many more tips to London and finding myself a job maybe in an agency or volunteer work, getting as much experience in the field of children’s book publishing and publishing in general, will give a great advantage.