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Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Andrew Wyth

Michael Palin in Wyeth's World (BBC Documentary)

Watching this documentary gave me great insight into Wyeth's methods of working, and why he produced this painting in this location. Wyth's came from a Swedish German family of famous painters, her father was a picture book illustrator who produced a book called Treasure Island.
He lived in a small rural town where he produced over 300 painting of the surrounding of Christian country house. He made two of the rooms his studios and waited for 2 months for the winds to change and produce his painting for example The Wind from the sea 1977 and it was also were he first noticed Christian pulling herself on the floor like a crab on the New England sure. In the painting of Christian he expressed a feeling of her being trapped or is she trying to get back home. In 1968 she passed away and changed his life and the way he produced and found work. The media he worked  with was Egg Tempera which is a more rural mix media and creates more classical colour pallets.

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