About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Brief Development!!! Baldander

Procession into my brief is something I am more confident with because I have learnt to gather reference to help my imagination as well as my skills and knowledge of Printing to change and manipulate my monster make sure I get the best possible print I can.
After Evaluating and decisioning  the advantages of my Baldander I started to think more about the contrast between collage and my free hand skill as a Illustrator. So I started to re structure my monster and paying  around with different layout of its body to enhance my monster with more contrast.

With my research and reference by hand I started to pay around with different layouts of the monsters body to make sure I got the right amount of collage and drawing skill into my monster... Thinking about if the birds leg looked leggy enough? Did I us the right media? Is the birds wing need to be larger and out of proportion from the body? These were a couple of outcomes I developed ( the originals are found on my desk or in my draw).

UNTIL.......... I came up with the right amount of both elements.

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