About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

3D Sculpture

Incorporated into our brief we were asked to produce of 3D form made out of many media as part of our project.
I felt in my research of 3D artist and my influence from the Peepshow Collective Book, I felt to benefit the detail and shape of my character ( The Baldander) it would best be translated though hand crafted clay piece.
Being influenced by my fellow student who makes a lot of clay characters for her animation I was give great advice and given though-out. As I found it really exciting to develop different skills that have been forgot though-out my studies.
These are images taken of the process of developing my 3D Clay Character.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Foursight 'VS' Launch

Foursight 'VS' Launch Night 10th October

Vault / Cord Bar NQ Manchester
Wednesday 10th October | 18:00 to Wednesday 10th October | 23:00

On my little travels as a student of Illustration I went to the Launch of Foursight to support out graduates in their ventures as Illustrators, and I was very happy I did their work is amazing, influential and supportive to know if they can do it so can we.  You can tell that the four of them together can generate great visual ideas, and they are really nice people as well such is always nice.
Couple of beer's + good banter + looking at amazing piece of artwork = A great night.
All the best guys

Discussion Forums: State Of Illustration

The forums 1 The State of Illustration
The talk I was very directed to what is illustration? What do illustrators do? Are they Art? Do we just work from brief or do we have imaginations to create our own narrative. Do we need direct? Challenges.
A lot of the subjects made was about the movement and change of Visual Design and Art, the change in technology and how a lot of our work is generated though the public and Visual communication.
Our work will always be connected by history, that's who we I look at, how art movements have progressed and change into knew directions.
Some people opinions can get very lost in what an Illustrator is? I'm a student who is studying Illustration some artist who have had no education in the field of Visual Communication are still artist. Everyone is an artist but if you choice to embrace it then it opens your mind to a hole know way to life and learning different skills that's sometimes you could have never learn in a classroom.


So from all my development process, to looks back and analysis my work, I can up with my pattern design, this incorporates all the elements of the story. ( The Baldander and the symbols in the book). What the symbols mean?? Well I'm sure you can imagine for yourself.

From my design I felt that I need a pattern in the background to connect all the elements together to flow down the page.... With this in mind I started to look at book reference, GRAPHIC DESIGN books and the internet for inspiration. These are a couple of examples.


AND THESE COLLECTION OF SAMPLE INK DRAWINGS: Are my interpretation and development of surface designs and simple shapes and patterns I can make into wallpaper patterns


Monday, 8 October 2012

Creative Review: PeepShow Collective

Another one of my purchases was the PeepShow Collective Book show on our presentation and a must have for inspiration in our brief.
And Joe was right, I'v loved having influences by hand that's why I keep a research file, but artist books are just as important to have with you... READ READ READ LIKE GARY S says.

The book itself is a collection of designers, illustrators, animator and 3D sculpture artist. They come together to show their love and passion for what they do. A lot like the LE GUN magazine I'm doing for my presentation, the 3 artist that have influenced me a lot in this project is Jenny Bowers and Chrissie McDonald. Jenny Bowers work shows amazing us of materials and quality of lines, shapes and texture that is what interested me the most about her work.
Chrissie McDonalds 3D paper sculptures are so details, delicate and the process of paper manipulation is something that is very knew for me and it really opened my eyes to different outcomes I can us for my 3D Character.
These are a couple of scans of the PeepShow Collective book ( if you want to look though it or scan pages, come and find me).

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Remember my little symbols in the Baldander story, well I also went back to the drawing board on them and felt my free hand collage would be more effective with the us of shapes and colour contrast I could create. These are a small collection of my favourite pieces. ( originals are in my sketchbook) 


Brief Development!!! Baldander

Procession into my brief is something I am more confident with because I have learnt to gather reference to help my imagination as well as my skills and knowledge of Printing to change and manipulate my monster make sure I get the best possible print I can.
After Evaluating and decisioning  the advantages of my Baldander I started to think more about the contrast between collage and my free hand skill as a Illustrator. So I started to re structure my monster and paying  around with different layout of its body to enhance my monster with more contrast.

With my research and reference by hand I started to pay around with different layouts of the monsters body to make sure I got the right amount of collage and drawing skill into my monster... Thinking about if the birds leg looked leggy enough? Did I us the right media? Is the birds wing need to be larger and out of proportion from the body? These were a couple of outcomes I developed ( the originals are found on my desk or in my draw).

UNTIL.......... I came up with the right amount of both elements.


ETSY Website is a furniture website that hold very vintage and classic styles. This website has been a particular influence to me in regard to the us of illustration, patterns, wallpaper and cushion designs they sell and promote on their website. Check it out and see what you think ( but don't have your Credit Card handy, I have learnt my lesson).
Photography print landscape green mountains circle 8 x 8 Vintage Hanky Kids at the Circus Vintage Tin Litho Spinning Top, Toy
Website: http://www.etsy.com/
Blog: http://www.etsy.com/blog/en/?ref=so_blog

LUSH DESIGN well what can I say its my kind of place and  as soon as I got introduced to the work I wanted everything from it.... The website is just amazing and in regard to my brief it really helped me get a jumping start on my wallpaper ideas and the us of printing techniques they us.
The illustration equally also it really insightful and gives me ideas on how to structure my print to follow properly down my wallpaper.
I will be incorporating a lot of Lush wallpaper design into my research file also if you wish to have a look.