About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Marilyn Neuhart's Dolls & Sara Fanelli

The beauty of Sarah Fanelli work its that I never get tired of looking at it, her work is amazing and sometimes I do wish I could think in the way she does? How she come up with them amazing piece of work? How she pick the right materials? Colour Harmon's? How much of a risk taker is she?
All these questions that one day I hope can be answered, but for know her work has a lot of impact on me as an Illustrator, cutting them risk and really seeing and experimenting of her work.
I hope to find some of her books to order so yet again I have her work in my hand if ever I need inspiration.

Marilyn Neuhart Dolls
Marilyn Neuhart's Dolls
When I was first introduced to Neuharts work my heart just melted and I felt an instont connection between her work and mine, the humour, pattern and pure love for what she does really capture my mind and really inspired my 3D piece for my brief.

Marilyn Neuhart Dolls

Another Illustrator that really capture my attention and was the reason for wanting to do a wallpaper piece and explore in depth about what Screen Printing could do for my work. Jenny Bower ( Peep-show Collective Limited). I could talk forever about Bowers work, but what I will say is that her collaboration with graphic design and Illustration is unique, its not too graphic and at the same time keeps the free hand appeal to her work. The us of colour, humour and imagination is clean and thoughtful.
(I also have the knew 2012 addition of the PeepShow Book which she is in, so I can always keep her near by for reference and inspiration)

May 2012 - Vogue Japan

Chef's Christmas Tips - Independent on Sunday Review
Peepshow Collective Limited
Unit 110, Cremer Business Ctr.
37 Cremer Street
London E2 8HD

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