About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Front Cover & Title Page

As I start coming to the end of my project I started to develop ideas for the front cover and the title page. These elements are not part of the characters in the story because I was afraid it would give the story away if I used the same characters I produced for inside the book.  
This is my final outcome for my front cover, I wanted to have the frog as the main character and also making sure that I don't giving to much of the story away.

Front Cover

Copy Right & Title Page

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Final Page of Children's Book

These are some of my final pages from my book. I experimented with the size of the text and also the typeface itself, but overall I fell that the text works well with the shadows as well as the characters themselves. 

Page 10

Page 9

Page 19

Monday, 7 April 2014

3D Photograph of Sets

These are 3 examples of my sets that I photographed. Hopefully you can see the different qualities of shadow I wanted to make to create depth and impact to my children's book.
I am extremely happy with how my photographs have come out, with all that planning and preparation I think I've produced a very strong amount of images for my final piece.
What I will do next is take them back into PhotoShop and edit the lighting and also the wire that you can see in some of the images. After I have done this it will give me chance to work on placing the text and experimenting with scale and colour.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 6