About Me

Hello Hello... My Name is Kate Bell, I study Visual Art & Design Illustration Level 5.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Wind In The Willows Book Cover Draft

Evaluating all my elements together from my sketchbook, and deciding on an effective book cover for the Penguin and Puffin award presented a challenge. This come with instructions on a template size, developing the typeface, the correct size and format for cutting the book. Their for I had to combine my elements together to translate a chapter or elements of the wind in the willows character, my chosen design translated tode being in prison and wanting to go home, that emotion I felt would become an effect book cover. Showing the audience a small part of the story but knowing them to ask question to why tode is in prison? This allows the book to be more sellable. 
I development my book cover in photoshop, changing contrast and levels to create a mood, and setting the seen of the environment, the reason for doing this was that I struggled to translate a more harsher effect free- hand, so moving it into photoshop would allow me to change and enhause some of them harsher colours, but not taking alway the effect of producing the work with free hand qualities.
These are screen shots of my first draft of my Wind in the Willows book cover.

Over Easter break areas of my book cover need changing and developing, communication with my Tutors and their professional advice, showed me that the audience is key and to capture their attention the main character (tode) and (tode Hall) need to me more powerful. 
Areas of improvement
1. Tode
2. Tode Hall ( Brighter)
3. Background less dark/ smaller bricks
4. Window background lighter... contrast with Tode Hall
5. Typeface to be developed
6. Development of the back cover, continuos story into the background.
7. Room for writing in the background... Incorporation into the design maybe.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Beatrice Alemagna

Beatrice Alemagna was introduced to me over the easter break. She is a illustrator, Author, and artist...  her work is very similar to be method of working and their creative style incorporates a lot of free hand, found materials, textures and rubbings. I have found her work very infulencal and I constantly look at her work in regards to the wind in the willows book cover, eg how to structure the book cover, movement of story and continue development.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Discussion Forums: Illustrations That Move

Illustrations that move.....
This discussion is one that I feel most bi est in the form of animation, though out my briefs we are always show different aspect of art, printing, collage, graphics, etc. One in-particular is animation....
I no never to judge a book by its cover. But animation has never influenced me and I have never wanted before to make any of my work cover. I felt that if I took my work to be animated it would looks the quality and it wouldn't look the same, or deliver the same message.
But this presentation of allowing one small part of the your work to move, in some cases increased the message and adds more interaction into the image.
The examples that were show in the presentation and how it was deliver didn't change my mind but was more interesting. So if given our next brief I hope that I take more chanced and give animation a chance, if it is something I continue to dislike and believe it doesn't suit my style of working, then I that least have the experience and know that I'v tried different elements.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Sketchbook Development Work

Continuing on from my Sence Of Place research I started to work on my sketchbook combining my influences from previous artist and my sense of place reference. 
These are some of my development pieces from my sketchbook I have worked on.

These image reference are photographs from my Sence of Place, this gives me an idea of form, shape, texture, colour etc

Mr Tode
Confident, classy English man, rich, attention seeker, spotlit, greedy 
( In this sketch he is sad and misses his friends because he is in prison for steeling
and crashing someones car).
Made from collage, materials cuttings, pastel and coloured pencil 

Tode Hall
Made from paper, collage, textures, and wallpaper cuttings 

Mr Mole
Shy personality, always worried, not ever confident
good friends with ratter

Old English Man, confident, strong, grumpy, hates socialistic events,
old friend of Todes farther, and a strong role model for tode. 

Quiet person, loves nature, loves his home, takes pride in where he lives, good
friend, helpful and strong. Mole looks up to ratter for confidence.

The Open Road
The horse and Carriage.
Features Mole, Tode and Ratter.

Typeface for wind in the Willows. Keeping to the technique
I produced my characters in, combining collage and personality

Layout of Book cover. Tode in Prison
Prison Wall & Sketch of tode Hall in the distance.